Delighted to have been selected as Artist in Residence with Siamsa Tire National Folk Theatre of Ireland. I will be working with the Folk Theatre for two months. Working in the performance environment of Siamsa Tire and the Folk Theatre will allow me to explore themes relating to my work along with the ethos of the group and to develop new applications and angles for my work, particularly in response to concepts of the vernacular in Ireland, both past and contemporary with a focus on environmental issues with the use of unorthodox materials such as plastics to highlight the destructive aspect of the world that we live in today.
“The residency at Siamsa Tíre is a great opportunity for me as a visual artist to explore new avenues of enquiry. It stimulates dialogue between various artforms and allows cross-over from one medium to another. Irish folklife traditions and rural culture has always influenced my work, and this residency at Siamsa Tire will allow me to develop this connection further.’